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Furries & chibi

Terms and conditions

☻ Read Terms before taking a commission.
☻ I'll start the commission only after the payment is complete.
☻ Please have a reference picture.
☻ Read the Pricing page before you order.
☻ First come first served.
☻ No Refund after work has started.
☻ Full refunds will be allowed on commissions where work has not yet started on the piece.
☻ All Payment are in USD and made with Paypal.
☻ Specials Ideas? We can exchange through email, twitter or discord!


For any further inquiries or assistance, please feel free to reach out to me by selecting one of the icon below.


(All prices are in USD$ (United States Dollar))

Please fill out the following form:

/* Emotes */ const emotes = [ { name: "Emotes / Stickers", price: "22 / 200 - 10" }, { name: "Animated emotes", price: "70 / 250 - 5" } ]; /* Characters */ const characters = [ { name: "Sketch / Lineart", price: "100" }, { name: "Chibi", price: "120" }, { name: "PngTubers (2 images)", price: "150" }, { name: "Colorless painting", price: "200" }, { name: "Full digital painting", price: "250" } ]; /* Characters Options */ const characters_options_one = [ { name: "Half body", price: "+ 0%" }, { name: "Headshot", price: "- 30%" }, { name: "Full body", price: "+ 40%" } ]; const characters_options_two = [ { name: "No background", price: "+ 0$" }, { name: "Vague background", price: "+ 50$" }, { name: "Detailed background", price: "+ 90$" }, { name: "Hyper detailed background", price: "+ 120$" } ]; const characters_additional_options = [ { name: "NSFW", price: "+ 30%" }, { name: "Fast Shipping", price: "+ 150$" }, { name: "Commercial use", price: "+ 50%" }, { name: "Twitch Secrecy fee", price: "+ 40%" } ]; const additionals_characters_price = [ { maxCount: 3, price: "100$" } ]; /* EMOTES SINGLE / BUNDLE */ function getPriceString(TextStr) { var PriceStr; /* Percentage Number */ if (TextStr.includes('%')) { PriceStr = TextStr.replace('$', ''); } /* Simple of Bundle Price */ else { itemPriceParts = TextStr.split('/'); /* Bundle Price */ if (itemPriceParts.length === 2) { /* Unity Price */ const priceFirstPart = itemPriceParts[0].trim(); /* X for Y */ const itemBundlePart = itemPriceParts[1].trim().split('-'); if (itemBundlePart.length === 2) { PriceStr = `${priceFirstPart}$ / ${itemBundlePart[0].trim()}$ for ${itemBundlePart[1].trim()}`; } /* ERROR */ else { PriceStr = "FORMAT [X / A - B] NOT RESPECTED"; } } /* Simple Price */ else { PriceStr = itemPriceParts + "$"; } } return PriceStr; } /* Emotes Functions */ function getEmotesQuantityPrices(Quantity, TextStr) { itemPriceParts = TextStr.split('/'); let Total = 0; /* Bundle Price */ if (itemPriceParts.length === 2) { /* Unity Price */ const priceFirstPart = itemPriceParts[0].trim(); /* X for Y */ const itemBundlePart = itemPriceParts[1].trim().split('-'); if (itemBundlePart.length === 2) { bundlePrice = itemBundlePart[0].trim(); bundleCount = itemBundlePart[1].trim(); bundlePrice = Math.floor(Quantity / bundleCount) * bundlePrice; normalPrice = (Quantity % bundleCount) * priceFirstPart; Total = bundlePrice + normalPrice; } /* ERROR */ else { Total = -666; } } /* Simple Price */ else { Total = itemPriceParts * Quantity; } return Total; } /* Character Functions */ function getCharacterPrice(chartype) { const option = characters.find(option => option.name === chartype); if (option) { return option.price; } return null; } function doMath(num, initialNumber) { lastchar = num.charAt(num.length - 1); /* Add */ if (num[0] == '+') { num = num.replace('+', '').trim(); /* Add Amount */ if (lastchar == '$') { num = Number(num.replace('$', '').trim()); return Number(num); } /* Add Percent */ else if (lastchar == '%') { num = Number(num.replace('%', '').trim()); return Number(+(initialNumber * num) / 100); } } /* Subtract */ else if(num[0] == '-') { num = num.replace('-', '').trim(); /* Substract Amount */ if (lastchar == '$') { num = Number(num.replace('$', '').trim()); return Number(-num); } /* Subtract Percent */ else if (lastchar == '%') { num = Number(num.replace('%', '').trim()); return Number(-(initialNumber * num) / 100); } } return 0; } function getTotalPrice(event) { let totalPrice = 0; /* _____________________________ Emotes Price _____________________________ */ const rows1 = document.querySelectorAll("#emotes-container tr"); rows1.forEach(row => { const quantity = parseInt(row.querySelector("select").value); let itemPriceText = row.querySelector("td:nth-child(3)").textContent.replace(/\$/g, '').replace('for', '-'); totalPrice += getEmotesQuantityPrices(quantity, itemPriceText); }); /* _____________________________ Characters Price _____________________________ */ const rows2 = document.querySelectorAll("#characters-container tr"); rows2.forEach(row => { const checkbox = row.querySelector("input[type='checkbox']"); const select1 = row.querySelector("select[name='select1']"); const select2 = row.querySelector("select[name='select2']"); const select3 = row.querySelector("select[name='select3']"); if (checkbox.checked) { let OriginalPrice = Number(getCharacterPrice(checkbox.parentNode.nextSibling.textContent)); let currentTotal = OriginalPrice; /* ITEM NAME */ /*console.log("ItemName : " + checkbox.parentNode.nextSibling.textContent);*/ /* BODY OPTIONS */ /*console.log("Selector 1 : " + select1.options[select1.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim()); */ currentTotal += Number(doMath(select1.options[select1.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim(), OriginalPrice)); /*console.log("Current Total :" + currentTotal); */ /* BACKGROUND OPTIONS */ /*console.log("Selector 2 : " + select2.options[select2.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim()); */ currentTotal += Number(doMath(select2.options[select2.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim(), OriginalPrice)); /* CHARACTERS OPTIONS */ /*console.log("Selector 3 : " + select3.options[select3.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim()); */ currentTotal += Number(doMath(select3.options[select3.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim(), OriginalPrice)); /* SELECTED CHECKBOXES */ const additionalCheckboxes = row.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox'][name='characterOption']:checked"); additionalCheckboxes.forEach(checkbox => { currentTotal += Number(doMath(checkbox.nextSibling.textContent.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim(), OriginalPrice)); /* console.log("Checkboxes : " + checkbox.nextSibling.textContent.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim()); */ }); checkbox.parentNode.querySelector("div").textContent = currentTotal + "$"; totalPrice += Number(currentTotal); } /* Unselected -> Set back the correct price */ else { checkbox.parentNode.querySelector("div").textContent = getCharacterPrice(checkbox.parentNode.nextSibling.textContent) + "$"; } }); /* Update the final Price */ document.getElementById("total-price").textContent = `Total Price: $${totalPrice}`; } { const container1 = document.getElementById("emotes-container"); emotes.forEach((item, index) => { const row = document.createElement("tr"); const quantityCell = document.createElement("td"); quantityCell.style.textAlign = 'center'; const quantitySelector = document.createElement("select"); quantitySelector.id = `quantity-${index}`; quantitySelector.setAttribute("data-item-name", item.name); for (let i = 0; i <= 30; i++) { const option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = i; option.textContent = i; quantitySelector.appendChild(option); } quantitySelector.style.padding = '2px'; quantitySelector.style.border = '2px solid #ccc'; quantitySelector.style.borderRadius = '6px'; quantitySelector.style.fontSize = '16px'; quantitySelector.style.width = '70px'; quantitySelector.addEventListener("change", getTotalPrice); quantityCell.appendChild(quantitySelector); row.appendChild(quantityCell); /* Item Name */ const itemNameCell = document.createElement("td"); itemNameCell.textContent = item.name; itemNameCell.style.textAlign = 'center'; itemNameCell.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; row.appendChild(itemNameCell); /* Item Price */ const itemPriceCell = document.createElement("td"); itemPriceCell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(getPriceString(item.price))); itemPriceCell.style.textAlign = 'center'; itemPriceCell.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; row.appendChild(itemPriceCell); container1.appendChild(row); }); } { const container2 = document.getElementById("characters-container"); container2.style.fontSize = "16px"; characters.forEach((item, index) => { const row = document.createElement("tr"); const checkboxPriceCell = document.createElement("td"); checkboxPriceCell.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; /* Checkbox */ const handleCheckboxChange = document.createElement("input"); handleCheckboxChange.type = "checkbox"; handleCheckboxChange.name = `characterCheckbox-${index}`; handleCheckboxChange.value = "test"; handleCheckboxChange.style.marginRight = "10px"; handleCheckboxChange.addEventListener("change", getTotalPrice); /* Price */ const priceContainer = document.createElement("div"); priceContainer.style.textAlign = 'center'; priceContainer.appendChild(document.createTextNode(getPriceString(item.price))); priceContainer.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; checkboxPriceCell.appendChild(handleCheckboxChange); checkboxPriceCell.appendChild(priceContainer); /* ItemName */ const itemNameCell = document.createElement("td"); itemNameCell.textContent = item.name; itemNameCell.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; const optionsCell = document.createElement("td"); optionsCell.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; const select1 = document.createElement("select"); select1.name = "select1"; select1.style.width = "85px"; characters_options_one.forEach(option => { const optionElement = document.createElement("option"); optionElement.value = option.name; optionElement.textContent = option.name + " (" + option.price + ")"; optionElement.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; select1.addEventListener("change", getTotalPrice); select1.appendChild(optionElement); }); const select2 = document.createElement("select"); select2.name = "select2"; select2.style.width = "115px"; characters_options_two.forEach(option => { const optionElement = document.createElement("option"); optionElement.value = option.name; optionElement.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; optionElement.textContent = option.name + " (" + option.price + ")"; select2.addEventListener("change", getTotalPrice); select2.appendChild(optionElement); }); const select3 = document.createElement("select"); select3.name = "select3"; select3.style.width = "110px"; let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i <= additionals_characters_price[0].maxCount; i++) { const optionElement = document.createElement("option"); optionElement.value = i; optionElement.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; optionElement.textContent = `+${i} Characters (+ ${count}$)`; count += Number(additionals_characters_price[0].price.replace('$', '')); select3.addEventListener("change", getTotalPrice); select3.appendChild(optionElement); } const checkboxes = document.createElement("div"); characters_additional_options.forEach(option => { const additionalCheckbox = document.createElement("input"); additionalCheckbox.type = "checkbox"; additionalCheckbox.name = "characterOption"; additionalCheckbox.value = option.name; additionalCheckbox.addEventListener("change", getTotalPrice); const label = document.createElement("label"); label.style.fontFamily = "Sora, sans-serif"; label.textContent = option.name + " (" + option.price + ")"; const br = document.createElement("br"); checkboxes.appendChild(additionalCheckbox); checkboxes.appendChild(label); checkboxes.appendChild(br); }); optionsCell.appendChild(select1); optionsCell.appendChild(select2); optionsCell.appendChild(select3); optionsCell.appendChild(checkboxes); row.appendChild(checkboxPriceCell); row.appendChild(itemNameCell); row.appendChild(optionsCell); container2.appendChild(row); }); }
Total Price: $0
function showPrompt() { const overlay = document.getElementById("overlay"); overlay.style.display = "block"; const promptContainer = document.getElementById("prompt-container"); promptContainer.style.display = "block"; } function cancelPrompt() { const overlay = document.getElementById("overlay"); overlay.style.display = "none"; const promptContainer = document.getElementById("prompt-container"); promptContainer.style.display = "none"; } function sendPrompt() { if (document.getElementById("i_name").value.length == 0) { alert("Name is Required"); return; } if (document.getElementById("i_email").value.length == 0) { alert("Email is Required"); return; } if (document.getElementById("i_message").value.length == 0) { alert("Description / Message is Required"); return; } const data = { sendto: '[email protected]', subject: 'sarock.carrd.co ---> Submission', message: `New Submission From:\nName: ${document.getElementById("i_name").value}\nEmail: ${document.getElementById("i_email").value}\nSocial: ${document.getElementById("i_social").value}\nMessage: ${document.getElementById("i_message").value}\n\n\n${submitSubmission()}` }; const { sendto, subject, message } = data; const mailtoUrl = `mailto:${sendto}?subject=${encodeURIComponent(subject)}&body=${encodeURIComponent(message)}`; window.open(mailtoUrl, '_blank'); cancelPrompt(); } function submitSubmission() { let totalPrice = 0; let RetString = "--------------------- Submission ---------------------\n\n"; /* _____________________________ Emotes Price _____________________________ */ const rows1 = document.querySelectorAll("#emotes-container tr"); rows1.forEach(row => { const quantity = parseInt(row.querySelector("select").value); if (Number(quantity) > 0) { const _itemname = row.querySelector("td:nth-child(2)").textContent; let itemPriceText = row.querySelector("td:nth-child(3)").textContent.replace(/\$/g, '').replace('for', '-'); totalPrice += getEmotesQuantityPrices(quantity, itemPriceText); RetString += `[ ${quantity}x ${_itemname} ] = ${totalPrice}$\n`; } }); /* _____________________________ Characters Price _____________________________ */ const rows2 = document.querySelectorAll("#characters-container tr"); rows2.forEach(row => { const checkbox = row.querySelector("input[type='checkbox']"); const select1 = row.querySelector("select[name='select1']"); const select2 = row.querySelector("select[name='select2']"); const select3 = row.querySelector("select[name='select3']"); if (checkbox.checked) { let OriginalPrice = Number(getCharacterPrice(checkbox.parentNode.nextSibling.textContent)); let currentTotal = OriginalPrice; /* ITEM NAME */ RetString += `\n${checkbox.parentNode.nextSibling.textContent}\n`; /* BODY OPTIONS */ currentTotal += Number(doMath(select1.options[select1.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim(), OriginalPrice)); RetString += `> ${select1.options[select1.selectedIndex].text}\n`; /* BACKGROUND OPTIONS */ currentTotal += Number(doMath(select2.options[select2.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim(), OriginalPrice)); RetString += `> ${select2.options[select2.selectedIndex].text}\n`; /* CHARACTERS OPTIONS */ currentTotal += Number(doMath(select3.options[select3.selectedIndex].text.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim(), OriginalPrice)); RetString += `> ${select3.options[select3.selectedIndex].text}\n`; const additionalCheckboxes = row.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox'][name='characterOption']:checked"); additionalCheckboxes.forEach(checkbox => { currentTotal += Number(doMath(checkbox.nextSibling.textContent.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim(), OriginalPrice)); RetString += `> ${checkbox.nextSibling.textContent}\n`; }); RetString += `TOTAL: ${currentTotal}$\n\n`; totalPrice += Number(currentTotal); } else { checkbox.parentNode.querySelector("div").textContent = getCharacterPrice(checkbox.parentNode.nextSibling.textContent) + "$"; } }); RetString += `\n\nGRAND TOTAL: ${totalPrice}$\n\n`; return RetString; }

If you have any issues with the form, please contact me here: